一個月以前我們兩個才在討論今年台灣都沒什麼假期, 很難撥空去日本看你, 但當時的你才剛成為社會新鮮人,從你的口氣中, 可以感覺你很需要我.. ........電話中你說希望我過去日本看你 就這樣...我安排了這個16.17.18 連續三天的假期, 想要快點飛去日本看看你的新公寓.新環境.沒想到出發的時間就在後天了, 我等了一個月, 終於讓我等到了, 但是你卻接到受訓完畢的慶祝會就在我們要見面的那天. 而且要到很晚結束. 
我: I can wait for you in somewhere until you finish it.
寶貝  : I don't want to let you wait for me alone in the night time, so please cancel the ticket, if it's possible,
          if you can cancel the ticket from now, you still can get money refund.
我: The problem is not about money. The problem is that I miss you.
寶貝: ...........
寶貝:....... Could you please wait for me, I will have 3  days holiday in next month, we can meet at that time.
聽到這句話我心情很複雜, 其實我知道你是擔心我的, 我很開心, 但是我盼了一個月, 好不容易真的可以看到你了, 
P.S 因為我的母語不是英文, 若有文法錯誤請多多包含..感恩

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